Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Originally this blog was dedicated to what I try to do for God. In the few weeks I've been doing this, it has made me realize that I do pretty much nothing for God. He does everything for me. I am praying that I do better in the new year!
Christmas Eve we went to a 4:00 service at church. It was standing room only and I was standing but I chose a spot by the 10th row so I had a great view. Sweet little girls dressed up like angels came down the row after they performed in the nativity. Two of the little girls were from the Christian school I help out at - one of them smiled and waved as she went by but the other, Hannah, stopped and gave me a huge hug! I have to say getting hugged by one of God's angels on Christmas Eve was the highlight!
Then we went to Mike's sister's Mary Ellen's for a party Christmas Eve. Mike's sister, Beth, gave a talk about how we should all pretend we were there that night in Bethlehem when Christ was born. It was very heart felt and I was sorry when her talk ended. I gave the reading which was an honor really to be asked.
Christmas morning we stopped at my brother John's and gave him his cinammon rolls. Had taken other brother Andy's to him with son, Luke, the day before Christmas Eve. The house he is renovating is lovely. He is gifted to be able to do that! Then we stopped at my sister, Bev's, for breakfast Christmas Day. She had amazing french toast with giant blueberries! It was so good - then we went on to Mike's mothers. I took a platter of Christmas cookies. It did my heart good to see everyone eating them - especially the children. I love to bake but obviously can only eat so many!
It made me think of all the people I had given my Christmas cookies to - brother, Dave, the pastor and his wife at church, our neighbor, Irene, my piano and art students that come to my house Monday and Tuesday evenings, a sister and so on....I am so blessed to be have so many people to give my cookies to!!!
Then we went to my new daughter in law's parent's house which is located in the same city. We had awesome macaroni and cheese and Italian meatballs. And I got to play with Nicky's nephew, Jordan. We played dinosaurs and got some good dinosaur fights going!
Then Sunday morning I went to the small country church I attend at 9 and remembered my Christmas cards for everyone. Had forgotten them the week before and it's a tradition in that little church to remember everyone with Christmas cards for Christmas. Then I grabbed another cup of tea in my Christmas mug I had bought at Cracker Barrel and went to my 11:00 church which is a large contemporary church with a Christian band. I spoke with a lovely family after the service - their son Nathan is applying to medical school and has asked me to edit his essay which I am more than happy to do - and also honored to do.
Last night I had Mike's mom, sister, Margaret, husband, Cody and son, Eric, over for dinner. We had the nicest time with Christmas music playing and the Christmas tree lit. Honestly if I had to pray to marry into a nice family, I wouldn't have even dreamed to pray for my in-laws! Each and everyone of them are special beyond being special.
Thank you, God, for what you do for me!!! And Christmas blessings to all.....


  1. And if you are reading this and don't have a family close to you... remember this! God is really all the family you need. He will always be there for you and loves you just like a father and mother. If you are alone and would like me to pray for you, please let me know. Prayer works and miracles happen every day. My late step-mother could not have children yet we loved each other with all our hearts and I was with her when she died. She never dreamed in a million years she would have her "daughter" by her side when she passed.

  2. Beautiful words.

    Thanksgiving was the time my family gathered, my brothers, their expanding families, and my mom.

    When our mother passed away, the day lost its sparkle. After three years, we agree that it will never be the same.

    Christmas is the day we celebrate with my daughter and her family. It is a source of new memories and a fresh beginning.

  3. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! It sounds like you are surrounded by loved ones. That is wonderful for you. You are a blessing even to those you have never met in more ways than you know.

    Thank You!

  4. I love reading your posts, Mary Sue. Though, I have to say I think you actually do a lot for God! You are one of His best witnesses, always thinking about others, and encouraging them to do their best.

    You've certainly inspired me to be the best person I can be.

    I'm glad you had so many cookies to give out!
    Christmas blessings to you!


  5. I have to respectfully disagree that you do nothing for God. You represent Him in the dignity you show to all people and I believe that means more than anything. My biggest pet peeve is to watch Christians be snotty. It gives us all a bad name. You make us look good. :)
    God bless your humility.
