Thursday, November 18, 2010

New PJ's

A local Christian school is collecting PJ's to give to low income children this holiday season. Bought 3 pairs this evening for older children. It was fun picking them out in Old Navy.
Something I've learned from beginning this blog is that I don't do enough for God and He does so much for me. Am going to have to pray about this and work on it!!!!


  1. Mary Sue,

    I think you're in good company. Maybe all of us need to put God first a little more each day. He has given me so many gifts.

    Tom and I love to buy toys for the Angel trees at our church. We love thinking about little ones enjoying the gifts..and love remembering all of those holidays years ago, buying trucks and dolls for our two kids.

    This year, our Bible study group is 'adopting' a senior. Seems lots of senior citizens on limited budgets need things like sheets and towels. Can't wait to shop for that!


  2. Hi Shelley,
    When I was in high school, I worked in a grocery store checking out groceries. It broke my heart to see the seniors come in and count out pennies for a loaf of bread and a quart of milk. The special senior you are helping will be very happy to see what you have remembered him/her with and may God continue to bless you richly for what you do for others!

  3. Hi Sue,

    Good for you! I love how you use your public image to promote good will. You really seem to be living your purpose.

    Needs are everywhere. Sometimes it gets overwhelming when there are so many causes I'd like to help and barely enough money to pay our family bills.

    I'm embarrassed to say, I almost gave up. Then God stepped in to remind me I could give without money. He directed me to a local homeless shelter. Now I volunteer every Wednesday. Each experience is such a blessing.

    Thank you for this blog. I look forward to future posts.

    May peace be with you always,


  4. ut oh... Please excuse my goof, Mary Sue. Edit, edit, edit...

  5. Ruthy,
    Volunteering and giving of yourself at a homeless shelter is so much more valuable than just spending money....what a blessing you are to those people!
